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Snow Day #6

This is the third Monday/Tuesday in a row that school has been closed because of the ridiculous amount of snow that is besieging Boston metro. It’s the third big storm that has dropped between 1-2 feet of snow on our densely residential neighborhood (which has become a treacherous network of unofficial one-way roads because of the ten-foot high snow banks). It’s absurd. Absurd. We can’t even go outside and sled because there’s too much snow. And it’s cold. There’s not a day over 25 degrees and a night over 12 in the ten-day forecast (which also has, alas, more snow).

We have the good luck to share a small-dwelling condo with a man who loves, loves his snow blower. He’s out there for hours, carefully moving piles and grooming our driveway and sidewalks, creating access points, clearing the storm drains, etc. Before this latest storm, he moved all of the snow near the driveway to our front yard. If we didn’t have this neighbor, this is the winter that would have buckled our resolve to remain hardy shovelers and bought a snowblower of our own. It would be the only way. You simply cannot shovel your way out of this.

In the below picture, Little Boy is laying on his stomach on a huge solid block of snow (and this was in the middle of the storm).

Our new front yard

Our new front yard

It’s a historic, unprecedented amount of snow. The only bright side is that it’s mid-February, and up until a few weeks ago we were having a pretty nice winter — cold, but dry. This will all end soon. It’ll melt…. probably in June, and probably ruining our grass and flooding our basement, but it will melt. We’ll beat you yet, snow!


Smiling on the outside, crying on the inside




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