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The Woman in the Iron Vest

Winter continues: Snow, ice, cold. Another foot of heavy white stuff is expected to add to the heaps during the next two days. I’ve been treadmilling and such. We went XC skiing today at Great Brook Farm. It’s winter, and given that it’s near mid-February, I know that, theoretically, it will all be over in 6 weeks or so.

I have a weighted vest. It’s a vest with about 20 pockets in which one can stuff bags of sand, with a maximum of 20 pounds. When I was shopping for the weighted vest on Amazon, I was actually considering buying a 40 pound vest. Woah. That would have sucked.

So why did I buy a weighted vest? Oh, come now. I think my sanity is a well-established wild card.

I wear the weighted vest as I’m doing chores around the house — taking loads of laundry to and fro the basement, vacuuming, tidying. It does stress my back enough that I can pretend it’s a form of legitimate training for a 100 mile race.

It feel so good to take it off. Such a relief.

Behold the Weighted Vest

Behold the Weighted Vest

Posted in Existence.

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