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Allow me to introduce Turboneger, a legendary punk metal band from Norway. They look like a fun, eclectic bunch, no? I love how it looks like the band is preparing to physically maul the photographer, perhaps for interrupting their daytime booze-filled street party. Man, what is up with that sailor? He looks nuts. And what, exactly, is that codpiece made out of? And which one do you think is the drummer? I think it’s the guy wearing the neck brace.


I myself recently became acquainted with Turboneger thanks to Gudny, a Norwegian (female, I believe) who emailed me after a search engine told her that something on this website bore relevance to Turboneger. But what was it? She could not find it, and since she is a voracious consumer of all things Turboneger, she was very curious about what this dowdy American lady had to say about Turboneger.

So last week, Gudny sent me an email with the subject Turboneger???!!!??? I almost marked it as spam and deleted it, but something about the excessive punctuation spoke to me, so I opened the email.

Hello Friend! I found your website when I searched for Turboneger. However I could not find the mention of Turboneger on the website… I am a crazy Turboneger fan, with curiosity, about what your website is saying on Turboneger. Your website is fun and interesting. Your Friend in Norway, Gudny

[Isn’t Gudny’s grammar, like, perfect compared to that idiot Janice Holemon (see yesterday)?]

Now, as I’m reading Gudny’s email, I have no idea who or what Turboneger is, or why my website would have relevancy to Turboneger, or if this email is the entry point of a cashier check scam that will end with me sending my life savings to Norway via Western Union. So I did a Google search on Turboneger and found the above picture, which just about blew my mind. I also read a list of some of their songs: “No, I’m Alpha Male” “Wipe It Til it Bleeds” “Rock Against Ass” “Back to Dungaree High” “I got Erection” “Everybody Loves A Chubby Dude.” I found out that the band’s original name was Nazipenis. At this point, I still haven’t actually heard Turboneger, but I’m ready to concede that they must be the greatest band ever. Maybe Gudny is like a Turboneger missionary who targets lonely bloggers around the world and piques their curiosity about this totally insane Norwegian punk metal band.

(Later, I listened to some clips on the iTunes music store and found that Turboneger does a fairly respectable Black Flag impression, in perfect English. But I’m 12 years past my Black Flag phase. Sorry, Gudny.)

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