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Easter, 2015

On Monday, Little Boy came home with this “Weekend News” writing/creative exercise — (a much anticipated highlight of every Monday):

Weekend News

Weekend News

For those not versed in Little Boy… “I went to a shelter and my dad and me saw a ladybug and we put it in my mom and dads chocolate box it was cool!”

I saw the first phrase and gasped. You see, we did not go to a “shelter,” we went to the AMC Lodge at Mount Cardigan in New Hampshire. It’s a “lodge” (with plenty of creature comforts, including heat, bathrooms, warm showers, a library, rocking chairs… literally the works) not a “shelter” in mountaineering terminology, but obviously either Mr. P or I had once slipped and called it a “shelter.”

Of course, most people hear “shelter” and think “homeless.” I hedged with Little Boy:

“Did any teacher ask you about this?” (His regular teacher had actually gone into labor the day before, so there is his long-term sub and the assistant).

“Mrs. C asked me why we went to a shelter,” he said.

“And what did you say?” I asked.

“It was my Mommy’s idea to go to the shelter,” he said. (This is actually inaccurate. It was totally Mr. P’s idea to go to the lodge.)

Great. So now his teachers think we live in a homeless shelter. Maybe, best case, that we volunteer at a homeless shelter. Either way, pretty inaccurate.

At the "shelter", on the rocking chairs, after a rousing game of Spit (can no longer play easy with Little Boy)

At the “shelter”, on the rocking chairs, after a rousing game of Spit (can no longer play easy with Little Boy)

On the hike to the waterfall, across an ice bridge. We actually tethered Little Boy to a rope so he wouldn't slip away.

On the hike to the waterfall, across an ice bridge. We actually tethered Little Boy to a rope so he wouldn’t slip away.

Enjoying Easter chocolate as a respite.

Enjoying Easter chocolate as a respite.

Smiles ;-)

Smiles 😉

Mommy's Pasty Legs, basking in 45 degree spring sunshine

Mommy’s Pasty Legs, basking in 45 degree spring sunshine

Two Weeks before, decorating eggs at the grandparents

Two Weeks before, decorating eggs at the grandparents

One week before -- hubby hubba!

One week before — hubba hubba!

Happy Easter and (sorta) Spring!

Happy Easter and (sorta) Spring!













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