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Happy 3!

Today, A. turns three years old! Or, at least according to probably inaccurate birth date on his Ethiopian paperwork, which also happens to be the date he was placed in the orphanage 1 year ago. Kind of a weird day to celebrate. Not that we really celebrated, because the concept of birthdays is as obscure to him as the concepts of time and age, but we did hug and kiss him more than usual while gushing what a big boy he is. In the morning, he watched Toy Story in its entirety while I plowed through a bunch of work (a birthday present to us both). After lunch, we went swimming at the indoor pool in my gym, and then we swung by Gymboree for some open playgym fun. And tonight… flaming Tastykakes!

A.’s third birthday seems like a good occasion to clean out the random photos sitting on my phone and shamelessly post them all at once. I feel like I’ve seen him grow up so much in the short time span of 10 weeks. I can scarcely imagine him at 4, or 5, or 10, or god forbid 13…

Hiking with Daddy at the local Audubon property, Memorial Day

Modeling new clothes for a thank-you email to the generous donor

In our bed, trying to master the art of deliberate smiling

Gathering "eggs" in the chicken shack at Drumlin Farm

"Sunglasses!" he insisted, slapping stickers on his eyes (and poor Bear's eyes)

Eating meat, with a pretty good smile (the hands are him mimicking our smile coaching)

Playing with an abandoned "machina" at the sports field down the street

Hiking with Mommy in Newbury -- loved his stick!

Shaving with Daddy... they grow up so fast!

Posted in Existence.

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