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Blogger Rhapsody

Most bloggers feel the need to post consiliatory “I’ve been such a neglectful blogger” apologies after a few weeks of dead air. Me, I begin to get anxious after a few days. I’m still here! Please don’t abandon me! I’m like a hoary old nightclub singer in garish make-up who is terrified to stop singing for fear the last few lingering die-hards in the audience will abandon her. So I keep singing, even if I’ve forgotten most of the words.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. It’s called “My life is so busy, I don’t have time to write about.”

This weekend we went to Hyde Park, NY, to see all that there was to see: Franklin Roosevelt’s home and grave, a Vanderbilt mansion, the world’s longest pedestrian bridge across the Hudson river, a historic Huguenot community in New Paltz, and various small-time wineries on the Shawaangunk Wine Trail peddling better-than-mediocre whites and disasterous reds. And the city of Poughkeepsie, which I’ve always been curious about due to its rather whimsical name… although, upon visiting Poughkeepsie, I think they should rename it “Scranton.”

I have pictures, somewhere. And maybe someday I will get around to posting them. But for now, I’ll just moan into the microphone while you all go and refresh your drinks.

Mahhh…. mahhhh… me mayyyyy a mahhhh…..

Posted in Trips.

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