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Take this Job and…

I’ve been dropping hints around it for a few months, but it’s official: Today I accepted a full-time job as a documentation manager for a software company that develops literacy software. Yea for career advancement, personal fulfillment, groovy co-workers, and a brand new Volkswagen Jetta for my suburban commute. (Boo for no more Fridays off.)

My new gig starts in mid-November, but today I alerted my consulting gig of my decision to leave. They countered with an offer for a full-time job, which I immediately rejected, though I offered to continue after-hours consulting in the short-term to get them through upcoming releases. Why not, right? My schedule isn’t batshit insane enough. I’ll sleep when I’m dead.

By the way, my new title – “Documentation Manager” – may imply that I will be managing people, but no. I will be managing documents. (Which are much easier to manage than people, incidentally, because you can burn them and they won’t scream.)

Posted in The 9 to 5.

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