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apppppple picking!!!

Some months ago I wrote about how I get a fair amount of email for other Meredith Greens, because I hold the coveted Meredith Green [at] gmail [dot] com address. The emails continue to roll in, at least 3-4 per week, sometimes more. In fact, I have a theory that the Meredith Green in the Washington DC metro area is attempting to takeover my email address by freely giving it out to all her friends and colleagues, hoping that I’ll buckle under the sheer amount of non-spam spam and surrender it to her. Which might be the fair thing to do, since I’m not even Meredith Green anymore and whenever I give someone my email I have to explain that I still use my maiden address. Which makes me sound… I don’t know, noncommittal?

Anyway, today’s mis-sent missive (below) is a doozy. Of course, I’m an old-fashioned grammar snob who would sooner paint her face red than allow anyone to see a piece of writing that has not been proofread against the Chicago Manual of Style, but Jesus Christ. Show a little pride in your written expression.

Equally incomprehensible to the text of the email is that a person with such a freakishly undeveloped grasp of basic written English participates in crunchy yuppie frippery like weekend apple picking. Shouldn’t she be shoe-shopping? But, I guess since the author is befittingly unemployed (recession do tend to thin the herd), then apple picking would be, liek, !!!

Subject: apppppple picking!!!

hey guyssssss! (+ meredith and issamu whose emails i dont know)(+anyone else, like tom, etc)- plus i talked to some other people about it but was getting it set up first

LETS go apple picking!!!! I have touched base with most of you and sounds liek most people are free. would saturday or sunday be better? I am open to either day. we could all meet at my house before driving out. i have been looking at a few that are pretty close down 66. plus i thought we could then make late lunch reservations or take picnic food or something.

this one: is liek 50 minutes from my house but looks super nice. and there are a few others in markham, va.

anyway, probably you guys are too busy to check through em bu ti am looking for closer. i have a second interview, very close to a job! just let me know when works!

theres like a 40% chance of showers both days….but if we dress appropriately still fun1!


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