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The 6-Year Old Artist

I remember way back when, in the beginning stages of the adoption, Mr. P and I were in the mandatory interviews with the social worker. She asked us to imagine what would happen if the adoptive child had very different talents and interests than us, or didn’t “achieve” to our expectations. Of course this is something that every parent needs to consider of their offspring — and dare I say that it might be more disappointing if our biological child failed to “achieve” — but we answered that we’d be okay with it, we had lots of interests (camping, swimming) that every kid loves, and then I quipped something along the lines of “And if the child turns out to be an artist instead of a writer or engineer, I think we’d be okay with that.”

Of course, Little Boy turned out to be an artist — certainly not a writer, perhaps with engineer tendencies, but solidly a kid who can sit down in front of a piece of paper and draw and is very interested and critical of art and drawings we look at. When we were on vacation in Colorado, we spent many hours drawing Pokemon. One of my favorites is his Jigglypuff:

Jigglypuff Pokemon by Little Boy

So when he saw this old book of Mr. P’s about Diego Rivera (husband of Frida), he demanded it be his bedtime story for three nights running and also tried to emulate several of Rivera’s masterpieces.

I came across this one when I was decluttering the living room:

Rivera, interpreted by a 6-year old boy

Ah, this Little Boy. The joys just keep coming!

Posted in Existence.

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