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Training Log: Week Ending January 11

It’s my second week of maintaining a formal training log (as opposed to keeping a running rally in my poor, aging, overloaded brain), so I feel sheepish that I now must explain why there is no training log. The week started off great…

Sunday AM: 1 hour/3 miles snowshoe, 1 hour/4 miles backcountry XC ski, 90 minutes skate skiing with really only 15 minutes of hard effort. See here.

But all during Sunday, as I frolicked in the powdery snow, I could feel a sore throat and congestion coming on. This didn’t bother me. I get about 3 or 4 colds a year, but while the resulting sinus blockage is a nuisance, it rarely slows me down. I woke up Monday with the sinus congestion, and also feeling tired and sore all-over-my-body — which, considering what I did Sunday, was too be expected! I had planned a recovery day anyway, but as I plodded along on the treadmill that morning, I began to feel not good at all — dizzy, fatigued, with severe chills. I jumped off after 4 miles.

I didn’t want to admit that I had something more than a cold. It’s been 10 years since sickness has confined me to a bed. I went stubbornly to work. I tried to work. It didn’t work. I left at noon, not to return until Thursday. (I’m a lucky girl to have Mr. P who had to be single parent, homecare nurse, and full-time DBA for 3 days.)

Symptoms: Extreme fatigue — like, couldn’t even muster the energy to blow my nose. Chills. Fever. Loss of appetite/taste buds. Sounds like the flu, right? But that went away after 3 days and I was left with a wicked bad cough, sinus stuff, congestion.

Bottom line: I managed to do 20 miles on the treadmill for the week. With my sinus issues, I couldn’t go swimming, and the unpleasant weather coupled with my sickness made the treadmill the only option. And I went slow and took lots of breaks (breathing without coughing was challenging. I hope no one around me caught anything.)

The good news is, I’m recovered and rested. And, it’s still over 3 months until Miwok. Hopefully I won’t get sick again for another 10 years…

Posted in Existence.

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