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Beaujolais and Blogging

Last night, my grad school class effectively ended in a blaze of PowerPoint glory! when I and my project team member (on behalf of our two distance-learning team members) presented the culmination of our semester-long labor to our Fortune 500 stakeholders, assembled in a 130-degree university classroom… to much accolades!

And what a labor it was: near-daily team meetings, hours of work, and more hours of fret… it’s funny. Ha. You sign up for grad school and think, “Oh, I’m only taking one class. I can easily fit it in somewhere ‘tween family life, work life, life life…”

But no. It takes over. This semester’s class was one long group project. I spent more time with my group than I did my husband. Absurd.

Yet… it’s over. So 3 classes down, 7 to go until I am a Master of a fashionable Science. I celebrated tonight with Beaujolais. And blogging.

To catch up: Thanksgiving was nice. We went skiing in Maine (’cause in late November, Maine usually has a pretty decent man-made snow pack). It was cold and windy, but we solaced ourselves at night in the outdoor heated pool. The steam was thick and the sangria sweet. I forgot about grad school, and work, and running — yeh off-season! — and everything except my two boys:

On the Sunday River gondola

Warming & fueling up in the lodge

At home -- kitty-cat is comfy!

Posted in Existence.

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