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Oh, I think this is the longest I’ve gone not updating my blog without the excuse of being overseas and bereft of internet. Bad, bad! What happened to that daily compulsion to write? It was sublimated by attending to near-insurmountable day job demands as well as an annoying amount of grad school busywork, plus traveling, running, domesticating, and hanging out with my boys. Or, as Little Boy would winsomely put it… “my bros.”

He’s doing great in Kindergarten. Or, as his teacher put it during the parent-teacher conference… “I don’t think he has a learning disability.” Excellent!

Honestly, he’s doing great. Even if he’s not reading yet (and really, two decades ago the idea of a 5 year-old not reading was normal — not a situation to monitor, anxiously) the teacher reports he comes to school ready to learn, works tasks to completion, is very popular (with both boys and girls), and has a decidedly “engineer” mentality. Her words: “engineer!” Every parent goes to the Kindergarten parent-teacher conference hoping to find out what their child will be when they grow up, and I swear, while looking at a picture he constructed of a castle (which he spelled “ksl”, but whateva) she pointed to his intricate rendering of the curtain walls and said “Look, that’s an engineer!” We’re holding you to that, Mrs. R. If he doesn’t grow up and build bridges in Africa, we’re going to have another little conference.

Playing at dock construction, Habitat

Halloween -- Red Ninja!

Cool October Day at Boston Harbor!

Our pumpkins, courtesy of Grandpa's Pumpkin Patch

Posted in Existence.

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