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Great Kid

Lately there have been too many pictures of sweaty runners on this website. And not enough Little Boy.

I have good intentions of sitting down and writing a lengthy post about how Little Boy is adjusting to Kindergarten life, but work, grad school, domesticity, and my own pursuits (see sweaty running pictures) have been all-consuming. When I’m not engaged in those things, I’m usually hanging out with Little Boy and Mr. P, because that is my greatest joy.

When Little Boy came home 2 and 1/2 years ago, I took him to an International Adoption doctor in Boston. She gave him a thorough physical as well as a battery of developmental tests. This was about one week after we came home (I wanted tests for parasites, pronto) and though I loved him dearly, it was an abstract love — Little Boy and I were still strangers, I was a new mom, and the language barrier often made simple things a struggle. Essentially, I was uncertain and a little scared about suddenly being in charge of Little Boy’s life. I think the doctor could sense my uncertainty, because at the end of the visit she looked me straight in the eye and said, “This is a great kid.”

“Yeah, he is,” I agreed.

She repeated, “This is a great kid,” sounding 100% more certain than I did.

Maybe the doctor says that to all the new adoptive parents, to bolster spirits, rally confidence, and foster acceptance. But these days, when people ask me about my son, that is exactly what I say: “He is a great kid.”

Posted in Existence.

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