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Bad Guy Underwear

Little Boy now willingly dresses and undresses himself independently, with the exception of buttons, some zippers, and shoelaces. It is just another milestone that I thrill over (all those extra minutes gained on busy weekday mornings!) while feeling sorta sad (are those extra minutes of productivity more important than nurturing my darling son?)

Before his morning shower (which, heh, he is still dependent on me for), I lay out his clothes on his bed so I can shuttle him into his room after said shower and then shower myself. Precious minutes, gained!

This morning, he came back to me — totally nude, of course, because there is yet to be any shame — while I was in the shower:

“MAMA!” He was alarmed.


“MAMA, there are A LOT OF BAD guys on my underwear!”

Yes, in honor of summer camp and the twice-a-day changing into swimming gear, we have new underwear — Star Wars lego-themed underwear. And indeed, this particular pair of underwear did have a lot of bad guys on it.

Little Boy was evidently going through one kind of moral conundrum, as to whether wearing underwear with bad guys on it was the right thing to do. The previous day, he wore Chewbacca underwear, so it is understandable why going so abruptly to the Dark Side would be difficult.

I looked at the underwear and there was only one bad guy on it — Darth Vader, pictured many times — but by then Little Boy was pulling them on, evidently now unconcerned.

I found this all very amusing. There will come a time when Little Boy is grown and off doing his own thing, and I will think back on moments like these, when his main preoccupation was about the sheer amount of bad guys adorning his underwear.

Posted in Existence.

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