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Rainy Sunday Museum Playdate

In retrospect, a playdate at Harvard Museum of Natural History wasn’t the best plan for two excitable 4-year old boys on a rainy early autumn Sunday, as it was inevitable that a game of ‘chase’ would break out spontaneously in the arthropod exhibit, and they would argue over who gets to press the buttons for the interactive videos, and they would stare at the jars of preserved reptiles and scream “Yucky! That’s YUCKY!” But given the large amounts of “mounted specimens” of lions, elephants, zebra, bears, and so on — not to mention the skeletons — most of the time the boys actually stuck closer to their parental units than each other. Here, in a calmer moment, Mr. P and Little Boy sketch a stuffed giraffe:

BTW, this picture was take a little more than one hour after Mr. P ran a 20-minute 5K! (Actually, it was 20:38, but given the fact that it was raw and raining and Mr. P ran 4 miles to get to the race, I’m rounding down). After suffering some worrisome, lingering leg pain after La 6000D, Mr. P has shed his ambition to run ultras and has decided that he prefers to run FAST rather than LONG — which makes sense for his physical build. Me, I’m too sturdy to run FAST, so I’m sticking to LONG.

Posted in Existence.