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Big Cat Re-branded

Scientists have discovered an entirely new species of big cat called the Bornean clouded leopard (here).

Or so the headlines say, giving the impression that Earth still has secret pockets of terra ruled autonomously by the animal kingdom that have yet to be subjugated by humans. The headline should say that DNA testing revealed that a previously-known leopard in Borneo is distinct from the leopards in mainland Southeast Asia.

The leopards diverged genetically over a million years ago, and evolved 40 distinct differences including spotted markings and grayer fur. “It’s incredible that no one has ever noticed these differences,” comments a Scottish researcher, with the unspoken “and lived to tell about it!” echoing hollowly in science’s triumph.

Now that the Bornean clouded leopard is a “new” species, big-game hunter are clamoring to be taken to a tranquilized leopard in order to fill the new void in their trophy pelt collections. The media interest has made it this season’s gotta-have exotic pet. And has anyone tried tasting these new leopards? Maybe grinding their bones into powder and sprinkling it on a roof for protection, or eating their genitals in a soup as an aphrodisiac?

Posted in In the News.

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