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The Great Firewall of China

According to the Great Firewall of China test site (“Test any website and see real-time if it’s censored in China”), this site is blocked from being viewed in China. How cool am I, to be considered a threat to a foreign authoritarian political power!

The Great Firewall of China is managed by an estimated 30,000 government workers who use Western-provided technology to monitor the Web and block anything that’s not “healthy” or “in the public interest”. Obviously, this includes information about Falun Gong, the Dalai Lama, Taiwan and other taboo topics like democracy, religion, and pornography. Then there’s the “subversive” category – the subjective designation for everything else that undermines the authority of the Communist party.

I’m a little puzzled that I’d be considered subversive in other countries. Don’t the Chinese censors sense my discontent with America’s purported “democracy”? Does caustic satire about the banality of capitalism not translate? I mean, would any Chinese person in their right mind read this site and think “Boy oh boy, they sure got it good in America!”

When the China ascends to global hegemony, and I am rounded up and sent to a laojiao “Reeducation through Labor” camp (without a trial), I’m looking forward to learning the error of my subversive ways. However, I am not looking forward to hulling large melon seeds with my teeth for 18 hours a day.

Posted in In the News.

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