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Cold, Dead Hands

I often find myself defending the American way of life to my European boyfriend – not out of patriotism, but out of my unflagging argumentative nature. I’ve defended ridiculous American hallmarks like heaping portion sizes, astronomical health care costs, cops who make 150k/year from overtime pay, rap music, local television news, fork switching, farm subsidies, and general apathy about world affairs. I love a good debate, even if that means arguing that being lazy, ill-mannered, and stupid are inalienable human rights.

And then, there’s gun control, the issue that turned me from the Devil’s advocate into the Devil herself. I used to agree that guns were too pervasive in America, that citizens should submit to gun control laws and surrender their arms in the interest of public safety. But as I explained the rationale behind the NRA’s steadfast commitment to the right to bear arms, I found myself agreeing with the notion that, even in these modern times, the Second Amendment still applies.

Yes, I believe law-abiding citizens have a demonstrable need for personal protection. I believe that the people have the right to violently overthrow a government if necessary. I believe that stringent gun laws create a black market, making it easier for criminals to buy guns. I believe it all, in theory.

It’s a hard thing to believe, sometimes. In the wake of the horrific shooting at Virginia Tech, my convictions are indefensible against so much terror, grief, and 33 bodies. I hope tonight’s dinner conversation doesn’t linger on gun control policy, because I will lose the debate.

On a side note, I can’t believe that it was an English Major. People who willingly study English literature and creative writing would not seem capable of vengeful killing sprees. We are usually adept at taking the future’s bleakness for granted and other people’s cruelties in stride.

Posted in In the News.

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