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So, What’s Your Take on Shags?

The two ‘artists’/guerilla marketers who terrorized Boston last January by littering Aqua Teen Hunger Force electronic advertisements all over the city, and then enraged the public and the media by holding a sophomoric press conference about haircuts in the ’70s (“What was it like to spend the night in jail?” “That’s not a hair question”), are now trying to milk the attention for all its worth before their star power fades completely. The “Today” show doesn’t want them, but today the Boston Globe published the “first extended interview” with the duo, in which they riff about peace and love and the fear-mongering media. The best part of the article was when the reporter mentions that the two artists are close friends who “share a penchant for at-times rambling soliloquies,” hinting that maybe it was better when they refused to talk about anything but hair.

Posted in Massachusetts.

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