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Vampires of Birmingham

The Guardian discusses the alleged Vampire attacks in Birmingham , in which unidentified persons were bit by a man on a “rampage” in several unreported attacks. 

Though the police have dismissed the Vampire as an urban myth, the citizens of Birmingham are reportedly terrified, no doubt fueled by colorful reports from a local news outlet: As the sun dips below the rooftops of sleepy terraced streets, residents rush home, quickly gathering up playing children, because after night falls a vampire hungry for blood stalks. Reports of a Dracula-style attacker on the loose biting innocent people has spread terror throughout neighborhoods in Birmingham, causing many to fear the darkness of the night.

In America, if we hear that a man is trolling the streets biting people, we wouldn’t think “Vampire.” Visions of “crack fiend” or “wacko off his meds” come to mind. I guess our news writers suffer from a lack of imagination.

Posted in In the News.

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