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In Which the Digital Camera Leaves the House

A few day ago, I noted my reluctance to take my brand new, multi-hundred dollar digital camera outside. Yesterday, it pleaded with me, “Please, please let me go outside! I am meant to see the world and digitally render it for posterity!” Since I always follow the advice of inanimate objects (lest they become vengeful), my camera accompanied me on not one but two outings.

In the morning, I soaked up some winter sun along the frozen Charles River. The ice looked sturdy enough to cross the river on foot rather than the Longfellow bridge, but I did not want to risk plunging through the ice into the Charles, because then the camera would have gotten wet.

If one morning I walked on top of the water across the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read: “President Can’t Swim.” –Lyndon Johnson

Boston from Longfellow Bridge

Boston from Longfellow Bridge

Then yesterday evening, I took my camera to see the Boston Symphony Orchestra and discreetly snap a few poor-quality pics before the performance.

Boston’s Symphony Hall is not the most impressive venue, but there is a charm to its faux pomp and formless chairs. As for the acoustics..

Everywhere in the world, music enhances a hall, with one exception: Carnegie Hall enhances the music. –Isaac Stern

BSO, Boston Symphony Hall

BSO, Boston Symphony Hall

Posted in Massachusetts.

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