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Verbal Foibles

One of the joys of being married to a non-native English speaker is the merriment that can ensue from even the most mundane observances when inflected with a slight verbal foible. Here are some classics…

“Look, it’s an ice cream bus!” (while looking at an ice cream truck)

“Let’s meet at noon-fifteen” or “I didn’t fall asleep until midnight-thirty.”

“I forgot the sunshine cream.” (sunscreen)

“I smell a skank.” (while walking around the neighborhood and smelling a skunk)

“Thank you for all your precious help.” (synonym of valuable misused repeatedly in emails until I advised against that wording)

(The drawback of being married to a non-native English speaker? Having to explain puns, most jokes, and that we say “patio” with a hard t but “patience” with a sh sound — and getting a look implying the irrational English language is all my fault.)

Posted in Existence.

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