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Roast Pork and Brussels Sprouts

The New York Times ran an article today called “First Camera, Then Fork” about the growing phenomenon of photographic food diarists (here). Essentially, dieters, foodies, and others with assorted eating issues take pictures of every morsel that goes into their mouths and post it to the internet, where the photos are consumed by an eager audience of fellow dieters, foodies, and others with assorted eating issues. And people just love it. For one food blogger, “the pictures she takes of her food are her most popular posts on Facebook, Twitter and on her blog, Thought for Food, ( The immediate and enthusiastic commentary on, say, an arugula and feta salad or a plate of fried okra have given her a sense of connection and community since moving to Manhattan from New Orleans in 2006.”

Apparently I’ve been going about this blogging thing all wrong for the past 6-7 years. If I really wanted to attract a sizable following and become a formable Internet presence, I needn’t have bothered with all this writing crap, all these tedious words, and all these weighty thoughts. I just needed to post pictures of goddamn fried okra. So simple, and yet so stupid.

So here you go, internet. I’m done trying to win you over with my wit when all you really want is food porn. Here’s a shot of a delectable roast pork loin with a side of brussels sprouts in a balsamic vinegar/red wine reduction. Yum-um!

Posted in Existence.

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