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My loathing of former President Ronald Reagan is epic. I can’t really back up my feelings about Reagan with a fact-based assessment of his political performance, impact, or legacy, but I’ve always clung to the notion that I would be a very different person had I not spent my formative years as a Reagan Youth. Like, I’d be successful and shit.

So I need not waste words elucidating my thoughts about the Republican Congressman from North Carolina who is spearheading a bill to put Ronald Reagan on the $50 bill (here). Come on, Congressman… is this really about honoring The Gipper? Or is this just a scheme to dishonor the hated Ulysses S Grant — commander of the Northern Union army during the Civil War — by removing his face from our monetary supply and thus further from our public consciousness, so that the South may finally rise again?

It’s fitting that Ronald Reagan’s likeness adorn a somewhat rarefied and elite bill. But it’s unfortunate for me, because if I ever spied that smug mug in my wallet, I would probably have to burn it.

Posted in In the News.

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