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You Down With OPP?

Other People’s Poetry!

Five Haiku

The wind
Rolls a cigarette of air
The mute girl talks:
It is art’s imperfection.
This impenetrable speech.
The motor car is truly launched:
Four martyrs’ heads
Roll under the wheels.
Ah! a thousand flames, a fire,
The light, a shadow!
The sun is following me.
A feather gives to a hat
A touch of lightness:
The chimney smokes.

–Paul Eluard

Beautiful Women
WOMEN sit, or move to and fro—some old, some young;
The young are beautiful—but the old are more beautiful than the young.

–Walt Whitman

It is that perennial immateriality dwelling between living and dying
crouched in the corners and grappling by the hinges
only to remain unseen;
We weave our web of what we believe we understand
of the relationship of our acts and events
only to remain misunderstood;
From that odd wisp of steam of heated discussions
to the urgent hiss of a new page calling;
I teeter on that thin ice —
That single space of uncertainty —
And I ask
“What am I doing here?”.
–Cecilia Borromeo

The World is Filled With Unattended Packages

Wind is all we know these days. Ignore the snow, the cold,
but not the wind. In the fallow of pre-spring wood, we strolled
vulnerable, exposed, the wind catenating our quest
with the disquieting exaction of an uninvited guest.

And when my face shakes, it is the wind. When
I drift from your mouth and the words within,
it is not betrayal that the rebuff imparts.
It is the wind, chilling souls and racking hearts.


Posted in Culture.

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