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City of Thinly-Veiled Disgust

Travel and Leisure magazine surveyed 60,000 travelers about the charms of 25 American cities and released their “America’s Favorite Cities” results.

Although cities are rated on a variety of criteria like friendliness, intelligence, and fun, the category that is grabbing headlines around the world is, inevitably… “Philadelphia is home to the least attractive people in the United States”.

As a Philadelphia native, I really can’t do anything but agree. I mean, why do you think I left? Even the Philadelphians who are attractive have this spurious quality in their comeliness, like it’s a temporary condition that will diminish with each subsequent cheesesteak. It’s like the glare of New Jersey is reflected in the oily, pockmarked sheen of their skin.

But then again, it’s sort of unfair to point at Philadelphia and snort Ugly. I don’t see any cities in Ohio on the list… or Baltimore.

Boston comes off as a total prick of a city, rating high as “intelligent” and “worldly” but low as “fun” and “friendly.” We score high in culture and low in weather and barbecue. Attractiveness, we’re a solid 16… behind Nashville? Oh, that’s defamation.

Posted in In the News.

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