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Hands Off My Testosterone

“Good news!” Mr. P beamed, walking into the kitchen as I sauteed some red swiss chard in garlic and onions. “Mass General is going to pay me $1000 to be in a medical study, if I qualify!”

“Hmmm…” I said. I had seen the letter addressed to Mr. P with the Massachusetts General Hospital insignia when I got the mail. The envelope evoked suspicion. “What kind of study?”

He began reading from the letter. “‘The study lasts 16 weeks. You will be given an injection every 4 weeks to lower your testosterone level.'”

“Wait, what?” I cried. “No, no, no. No. You are not getting any shots to lower your testosterone. No. Way.”

“But they give some participants a ‘topical testosterone gel.’ And everyone gets a daily pill that ‘prevents testosterone from being made into estrogen.'”

“No way!” I said. “Give me the letter.”

“But babe, it’s $1000!”

I snatch the letter out of his hands. “Good, we’ll have plenty of money to buy you some nice bras.”

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