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My Friday the 13th Horror Story

I almost got killed on Friday the 13th. The villain did not attempt to slash me with a knife as I cavorted wantonly at Camp Crystal Lake with my fellow nubile camp counselors. No, that would be too cool of a demise for me. (Please excuse the feeble attempts at humor, which are meant to cushion the utter seriousness of the fact that yes, I really did almost get killed yesterday).

The method of my near-execution was boring, predictable “pedestrian killed by inattentive car driver.”

All my attempts to describe my near-death experience in written word have been pretty upsetting, so I will resort to a pictorial combined with dispassionate use of the Third Person. (I apologize in advance for my exceedingly lame Illustrator skills).

#1 Friday, 6:45pm, the well-light intersection of Palmer Street and Broadway (a residential neighborhood).


#2 Pedestrian judges it safe to cross street


#3 Car accelerates towards Pedestrian.


#4 Pedestrian is saved by quick reflexes.


#5 Pedestrian reacts loudly.


#6 Pedestrian is traumatized.


Posted in Existence.

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